Saturday 26 August 2017

15 Ways To De-Stress

1. Have a bath
 Ooo yes! I do love getting into a lovely warm bath. To make it even better make sure to add bubble bath or some other cool bath thing from Lush and take a snack and a drink with you as trust me, it makes you feel so sophisticated!

2. Make an over-the-top hot chocolate
 If you read my second post you would know that I love a hot chocolate with all the bells and whistles and so obviously it is something that I would recommend to de-stress. You can never put too much on a hot chocolate!

3. Colour in
You must have seen then craze of adult colouring books. Trust me it really does work to calm you down. During my exam period I took a small colouring book with me to school and took regular breaks from my studying to colour and it kept me calmer and engaged as i wasn't so bored.

4. Spend time in nature
 I know that loads of people love to go for walk when they are feeling stressed as inside you feel contained and clostraphobic. I know this particularly helps my brother and he also likes to meditate outside in the evening. Plus this means that you are active which releases endorphins which make you happier and therefore less stressed.

5. Take up a new hobby (or 2!)
 Anything to distract you from what is stressing you out, you may end up finding sonething that you love. I find that when I dance i really forget all of my stresses. If the hobby starts stressing you, STOP! Pick something new and do that.

6. Bake from a box
 I will specify 'FROM A BOX'. Having to get all the ingredients and measuring it out is way too stressful for this post. By a bake from the box kit where you have to add a max of two more ingredients before you chuck it in the oven and really you just want to eat it!

7. Buy a cheesecake
 Or you favourite type of cake. This way even takes out the need to bake as in the way before. Cheesecake is my absolute favourite but whether you're a classic Victoria Sponge lover or a fan of a more healthy apple cake go out and treat yourself!

8. Run
 Endorphins, endorphins, ENDORPHINS! Plus it helps to clear your head as you can get your mind just focused on the steps that you are taking. I also enjoy to go to my local outside gym as that is so much nicer than being in a sweaty closed room of an inside gym. Definitkey look up to see if there is one near you.

9. Retail therapy
 I wish that I could do this properly but this one does require money but if you don't have much that's fine! A few other options other than a full on spree are; window shop, try clothes on but don't buy any, treat yourself to one thing - you deserve it, charity shops - there are so many amazing things in them!

10. Meditate
 Such an important thing to do. Like I mentioned above, it can be really nice to do it outside in the evening as the world feels so much calmer and as a result so do you. You can either just go for it yourself or use a guided meditation, that's what I do as otherwise I find it hard to focus. I like the app Headspace for this as they have a free 10 day course that you can follow as many times as you want and then others if you want to pay a subscription.

11. Spend time with friends
 These people want you so why wouldn't you want to spend time with them. They can really help to take your mind off things. You don't have to go out and so anything special, I have places with my friends where we go and just sit and talk and it's just lovely!

12. Surround yourself with colour
 I have done a lot of research on colour for my A Level coursework and so have read loads of articals on colour psychology. Colours influence your life and mood so much so why not surround yourself with colours that reflect the mood that you want to be in the mood of. Do some research then put on some clothes in those colours and find items in them too. It will really help how you are feeling.

13. Make a fort
 If you didn't make them when you were younger, what were you doing with your life?! Time to bring them back! You just need some blankets, chairs, pillows, clothes pegs and then whatever you want to decorate - you could go for some cool fairy lights! Once you've made it snuggle up inside and either relax with a book or your favourite TV show or even get some work done as it will feel like less of a hassle if you're in a nice place.

14. Stretch
 Stretching is a really good idea if you've been bent over worrying as it will help you from not being stiff and therefor you won't ache. If you must keep working then look up chair stretches or work place stretches as there are ones that you can do at your desk.

15. Tie up your hair
 So simple but yet so effective. I find that if I'm annoyed and my hair is falling in front of my face then it makes me more stressed. To stop this I grab two hair things and first tie it into a ponytail and then twist it into a bun and put the other hair thing around that to keep it in place. It is such a satisfying feeling!

20 Facts About Me

1. I'm 17
   I have just finished my first year of sixth form and in about a month I will be starting my final year of school. This is a scary factor of my life but I am so done with school that I'm also very excited.

2. I'm from the UK
 My DNA places me from many different countries but I was born in South East England and haven't ever moved.

3. My birthday is 25th April 2000
 I am a Taurus baby, I was due on the 23rd which would of meant I would of shared my birthday with Shakespeare but sadly alas I was born two days late.

4. I've danced since I was 2
 I startred ballet when I was 2 since I wanted to be like Angelina Ballerina, it has now been 15 years and has moved onto a lot more than that. Dancing is what I want to spend my life doing.

5. I have one brother
 Falco is his name and he has just turned 20 which makes him vintage!

6. I have been abroad 3 times
 When I wasn't even one I went to Portugal but I don't remember that at all and then when I was five we went to France which I remember bits about including saving lizards from the pool. About two weeks ago I went to Cyprus with my mother which was my first time on a plane and abroad in years and was quite an experience.

7. I wear glasses
 Since the age of eight I have worn glasses for short sight and a few years ago I got contacts as they are easier to dance in.

8. I had a rabbit called Betty
 Sadly she died last year but I still think of her often. I got her when I was eight and she was my best friend.

9. I love to read
 My mother was a librarian. I think that's all I need to say.

10. I'm named from a book character
 I think the last one explains why. In a book my mother read there was a character called Willowmina (not sure if that is the right spelling) but she called herself Willow and my mum really liked that name.

11. I'm 5'11"
 I know what you're thinking, 'Woah that's tall!" I get that a lot. It's useful sometimes like I always know that when we are asked to stand in height order that I am on one end but also inconviant in moments such as being in an old building with low ceilings. 

12. I love photography
 For many years I have owned a camera of my own and gradually trained them in for a better version. I currently own a DSLR Canon 1200D which I adore.

13. I love to sew
 When I was four my mother taught me to knit and then not much later to sew. I love to sew as you feel so achieved and you get to make your own creations. Even better is when it is your own pattern that you've used which I also love to do.

14. I always wear 2 bird and 1 heart necklace
 When I started sixth form my mother gave me two bird necklaces, one small and one large with a cut out centre that the smaller one could fit inside. She also at another point gave me a glittary heart. Both of which I wear as often as I can to always have her with me.

15. I have long hair
 My mother told me when I was little that when she was 16 she had long enough hair to sit on it and since then I have been determined to keep mine long too.

16. I love cardigans
 A cardigan a day keeps the doctor away, a cardigan is like a hug!

17. I make extravagant hit chocolates
 I love to make hot chocolates with whipped cream, marshmallows of various shapes and then whatever else I can find in the cupboard that would work on a hot chocolate. 

18. I live on Pinterest
 To give you some statistics I currently have 5,340 pins across over 100 boards. Yep. I know that probably counts as an addiction!

19. I love Tesco pastries
 Haha okay yep, you need to try them. They are so good! I'm talking the savoury ones such as the cheese twists and pizza pockets. So good!

20. I love Pret's bananas
 Don't laugh! They are the best bananas I have ever had and the next time you go, and if you have never gone then what are you doing with your life, have one. You must!

It's not the end,
Willow x